Esbelin having retired, this machine was finished by Mr. Petolon, who had, as for him, made the prototype n° 204 in Toulon-sur-Arroux. A third tractor was also built two years later, following the directives of the new Chief of Depot, which gave it a different silhouette, avoiding long sheet metal work for the cabin roof.
In this type, it is also necessary to classify the tractor of the Vendée, made by Mr Brègerie, also a former team leader in Toulon- sur-Arroux, from a 030 locomotive of the Tramways de la Vendée. If for the first three machines it had been necessary to shorten the chassis, for the latter this operation was not necessary.
Description of Charente type tractor (50-62-70-201 series)
These four tractors were based on the same principles as those used for the 13-15 series. However, their appearance differed slightly by the shape of the cab with a more enveloping roof for the n° 50 and 62 and overflowing for the two others. The bays were all rectangular in shape with rounded corners for the Charentais, the Vendéen resuming the model in use on the Indre-et-Loire. The doors were sliding inside the cabin, except for the 201. The radiator grille of the engine bonnet was in the shape of a rectangle and the nose of the bonnet was slightly protruding. The guardrails for the engine inspection platforms were straight without any research to improve their shape. They were non-existent on the 201, which had a more massive engine cowling with the base of the nose slightly tilted forward.

Tractor 201 was the only tractor with a protective skirt.
These four units were ballasted by means of cast iron cranes placed under the front deck.
Their livery was dark green with a black border. The front and rear crossmembers were painted vermilion red with yellow markings for initials and vehicle number. Plates from the machines had been attached to the cab:
- oval plate for n° 50
- rectangular plate for No. 62
- numbers painted yellow for the 70 and
- 201.